Mustafa Uysal

I'm traveling light, it's au revoir…


  •   WordCamp Europe was the first WordCamp which I attended. I met a lot of people from all over the world. It was amazing experience, thank y’all who participated #WCEU

  • First of all I have to admit I use them, my customers use as well. But It doesn’t change the fact, most of “premium themes” like a piece of shit!

  • (Shortly we call as NYT. (not meaning NYTimes for us 🙂 ) is largest recipe site of TURKEY. We have more than 180k recipes that reaching millions of users. We switched our search infrastructure to Elasticsearch at the end of 2015. (I wrote about it.) Our cluster running smoothly for months.

  • State of me!

    First of all, I’m very workaholic man that can handle multiple task at the same time.I want to write about my current state and responsibilities. 

  • Today is my birthday  and have passed the quarter century.

  • I want to explain how we implemented elasticsearch on About NefisYemekTarifleri: is largest recipe site of Turkey. We have more than 120k recipes that reaching millions of users.

  • LettoBlog-favicon plugin was my first plugin and it’s no longer neccessary because WordPress 4.3 and above comes with “Site Icon” feature. Probably, this plugin will work couple of few year but I won’t update anymore. I’m remembering when push initial commit, I was very excited 🙂 Old and good days. Damn! I’m getting older.

  •   I’ve completed archery course and hope I’ll get my license soon 🙂

  • Today I started to work at that is one of largest WordPress site. I’m excited to being full time WordPress developer 🙂

  • SKOP!

    After I quit my job, I’ve decided to start my own business. Actually, I’ve been planning for a long time.