Mustafa Uysal

I'm traveling light, it's au revoir…


  • I took a stab at testing TiDB with WordPress today, but since the setup went past the famous five-minute mark, I’ve decided to jot down a note for myself and those who try to use TiDB with WordPress.

  • As a challenging part of working at the, first three days Ramadan is the busiest time for us. We get max requests during that period. So, I just wanted to highlight some stats for taking note to myself and sharing some stats about WordPress at scale.

  • This is the continuation post of my previous post “Advanced Database classes for WordPress“. Please read that post before continue unless you are not familiar with advanced database classes for WP. Well, it’s time to see some configurations and ideas about how Hyper-DB or relevant DB classes might help you to scale.

  • Let’s talk about WordPress’ advanced database classes. I’m explicitly mentioning HyperDB, but there are other alternatives/forks out there;