Mustafa Uysal

I'm traveling light, it's au revoir…

Don’t sell broken products

a person in black leather boots holding a mallet

As I work on building nocodewp, I’ve realized there are many things to discuss regarding WordPress. I wanted to quickly share my thoughts on the importance of including pre-made modules, page templates, or blocks within WordPress products.

When selling these types of products, it’s crucial to include the necessary assets within the product itself. In an ideal world, everything should be working even in offline mode. If, for some reason, that’s not possible; then it’s essential to make these assets easily accessible online.

I recently reached out to a product maker (I won’t mention the product) to ask about broken demo images and whether it would be better to import the necessary images into WordPress. To my surprise, the response I received was: “I am sorry, these images in templates are only for presentation.”

This response left me feeling frustrated and confused. After all, aren’t we all buying the product for its presentation value? Do you expect an end user to replace the “ALL IMAGES” included in the demo with their own images? With the same resolution, ratio, and image size? WTF?

When I talked about the situation with a friend, had mentioned that they had had the same situation before.

Hotlinking, privacy, and other things

The other problem is that, when you leave a piece of demo assets within your site, (technically) it’s not so much different than pixel tracking. Should I want to share my visitor’s IP just by calling the image from your source? Plus, the external resource means “out of control” if you enable some sort of hotlink protection, the same site will not be shown as yesterday…

tl;dr: If I purchase something by looking at the demo, I expect it to work as shown in the demo. Simple as it!

PS: All software is fundamentally broken; just try to make it “LESS” broken…

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