Mustafa Uysal

I'm traveling light, it's au revoir…

  • Hello, 31!

    This year was like a roller coaster for me. Ups and downs, decisions, and changes…

  • En Paz…

    Photo by João Costa on Unsplash

  • If Invested…

    I made a FOMO generator tool for cryptocurrency investments. Surprisingly, It got some traction on Product Hunt and I can count it as a success.

  • This week was quite busy for me. But I’m happy to release the new version of the Powered Cache (finally)

  • I’ve been working hard on the new version of PoweredCache for a while and hope to announce the new version soon (very soon). I found myself repeating famous phrases from Phil Karlton a lot.

  • Yesterday I’ve pushed a quick fix to my 2,5 years old photonized project. It’s a simple and easy-to-use image resizer and optimizer (based on photon). I’ve personally tested it on the large-scale websites under the high traffic (behind the CDN ofc) and it works quite well with the minimum configurations. So, you can consider as…

  • Cold Brew

    My coffee got cold again, sometimes I think my brain needs a pause button…

  • I recalled the song from The Big Bang Theory and it’s looping in my head all day long 😬 Thor and Dr. Jones….

  • I made my appointment for the first dose of the BioNTech vaccine today, and (once again) I’m grateful that we are living in such a good time. When we look the past outbreaks, the development time of the vaccine is quite fascinating. And thankfully we have those technologies which make this happen.

  • I think we need a better operating system. I’ve been using various operating systems in the last decade and still feeling there is a gap in the consumer operating system.