Mustafa Uysal

I'm traveling light, it's au revoir…


  • Another WordCamp and another blog post. WordCamp London was a “last minute” thing for me because I got my visa on Wednesday and flight on Thursday, barely sleep a few hours after packing things and getting ready for London.

  • I was in Miami for the first time and good to see my friends in person at WordCamp Miami (hashtag #WCMIA) WordCamps are my excuses to see new places, and it’s nice to make new friends 🤗

  • useful information about restoring large databases 👍 Fast data import trick

  • The software to create the black hole in the movie 'Interstellar' is a full implementation of Einstein's equations in 40,000 lines of C++, and rendered thousands of 23-megapixel IMAX frames on a 32,000-core render farm at about 20 core-hours per frame — John Arundel (@bitfield) July 21, 2018 Click to access 1502.03808.pdf

  • I’m very excited today, because of Powered Cache launched 🙂 –

  • WP-Git Theme

    I’m very happy to announce WP-Git theme released today. Yay!

  • John is right –

  • Post Meta Box Order version 2 comes with breaking changes.

  • Hi folks, I decided to create this blog for sharing my English posts.  Actually, I was sharing them on my personal blog but, I think different blogs for languages would be better.