Mustafa Uysal

I'm traveling light, it's au revoir…

WordCamp London 2019

Another WordCamp and another blog post. WordCamp London was a “last minute” thing for me because I got my visa on Wednesday and flight on Thursday, barely sleep a few hours after packing things and getting ready for London.

Usually, I plan things with all details way before the event. I think it’s time to change this behavior 🙂

Last Flight from Atatürk Airport

London flight was my last flight from Atatürk airport. I’ve used that airport numerously, and the plane will land to the new airport on tomorrow. So, this is one of the moment that I will remember. (I remember unnecessary details, tho (my head like a jungle) 🌲🌲🌲)

Contributor Day

WordPress contributor day was productive too, I’ve sent a patch, and now it’s a part of the core. (Thanks Pascal to merging that patch)

Also, I’m still curious about how I got the recovery mode email from the localhost 🤔 It might be related to campus internet.


To be honest, WordCamp London was better than my expectation and thanks to everyone who made it happen. And, (as always) it was nice to see my friends around the world and making new ones.

Ending with my super cool anti-theft backpack from SideGround, I wasn’t lucky at Miami.

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